Golden Kids Dental & Orthodontics

Wilson Appliance

Wilson appliance is a system of 4 braces and a specialized wire that is used with rubber bands to replace head gear. This appliance primarily corrects overbite by creating space in the upper jaw for conditions such as crowding and blocked out teeth.

Patients wear a rubber band on each side that is changed several times a day. At each appointment, a spring located on the arch wire, is compressed by a simple adjustment of a loop. Once the appropriate amount of space is created, braces are placed on the remaining teeth. Patients are in Wilson therapy for approximately six months. Since only 4 brackets are initially placed with the Wilson, it is easier to maintain oral hygiene and full braces are worn for less time.

Patient's can choose from many colors for both the Wilson appliance and during treatment in full braces.


Carriere Motion 3D Appliance

A modern twist on an old technique, this appliance is attached to the canines and the first molars. The Carriere corrects class II malocclusion, also known as an overbite. Effective and faster, this treatment technique is also aesthetically pleasing compared to headgear that use to be used. This appliance is worn for about 6 months and elastics are worn from the upper to the lower jaw. To keep the lower teeth in place, a clear retainer is also worn on the bottom. The Carriere is used often with Invisalign to treat the over bite first before going into a series of trays to straighten the teeth.

This appliance comes in silver, clear or in color.

Carriere Motion 3D Appliance

Reverse pull headgear appliance

This appliance is used in younger growing children to correct a class III bite, also known as an underbite. Worn after school and during the night, reverse pull head gear gently pulls on upper teeth and jaw to encourage forward growth. A rapid palatal expander is used in conjunction to help loosen the sutures, making the reverse pull headgear more effective. Treatment time ranges from 12 to 14 months and can prevent the need for more complicated orthodontics and possible surgery later.

Reverse pull headgear appliance